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SolidEdge was first developed in 1997 and has since been acquired by Siemens. SolidEdge is mainly used in mechanical design and development processes. With its complex, 3D, large assembly capabilities SolidEdge takes some getting used to which is why finding an experienced technician is so important.

Here at CADagency we recruit a little differently to most high street recruitment agencies.

Firstly, we speak to each candidates as soon as a CV is sent through to establish previous work experience as well as valid qualifications. Because we only recruit for CAD positions we know what architectural and mechanical businesses require when recruiting new members of staff.

For this reason we have fine tuned the way we send over candidates CV’s. We want your next recruitment process to be as hassle free as possible. For this reason, we don’t simply send across the first CV that comes to us. We have a detailed database of CAD technicians who are experienced in SolidEdge. We then contact candidates to confirm they are still job hunting and only then do we consider an applicant for a vacancy. This way you only get sent relevant CV’s, saving you time and energy.

Call us today on 01245 790233 or send us an email to

Our recruitment process

We have spent the last 8 years building a comprehensive database of experience CAD professionals. From Graduates through to Directors we have spent the time to speak to each candidate and build a full profile. We are always advertising and growing our database and ensuring the information we have is up to date.

To ensure our candidates are up to the task we gather portfolios of work and do CAD tests to understand their skillset better. Understanding CAD software gives us an advantage to be able to speak about complex aspects of the software and how it is used.

Once we start the search for your CAD role we initially speak to the candidates on our internal database who match the skills required. These are candidates we understand and know their requirements too. Once we have a potential match we gather suitable portfolio drawings and send a full profile through along with their CV. 

Recruiting now?

If you have a current vacancy, fill out the form below and one of our expert staff will be in touch within 2 working hours.